Orthodontic Appliances

Orthodontic appliances are basically divided into two major categories: fixed and removable. Fixed appliances are put on the teeth by the orthodontist and cannot be removed by the patient. In the case of removable appliances, these are used following the instructions of the orthodontist and can be removed by the patient. A small discomfort can be expected in the beginning of treatment and goes away very soon.

Fixed appliances

Metal or aesthetic ceramic brackets work together with light force wires, elastic ties, power chains, rubber bands, coils, and hooks to bring every single tooth into an ideal position. They are fast and accurate, can be used at any age, and are the excellent mean of achieving the best results possible.

Expansion appliances

Expansion appliances are used primarily in cases of dental arch constriction. They can be removable or fixed, depending on the severity of the constriction and the individual needs of the patient.

Functional appliances

They are usually removable appliances used in cases of skeletal discrepancies, where growth modification is desirable. They are only used in childhood and adolescence and usually during nights. They can be removed as instructed by the orthodontist and cooperation of the patient in these cases is highly important.


They are also mainly growth modification appliances used at nights during growth. They can also be used sometimes in cases with severe space discrepancies in order to avoid extractions.


Your Invisalign treatment consists of a series of nearly invisible, removable aligners that you change every two weeks for the next set of aligners. Each aligner is individually manufactured for your teeth, and your teeth only. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position prescribed by your dental practitioner.

Lingual orthodontics

Lingual orthodontics caters primarily to adults. In this case, fixed appliances are attached on the lingual surface of the teeth, resulting in excellent aesthetic results. The technique is not new and has improved greatly over the years. It should be kept in mind however that when lingual braces are used oral hygiene should be kept in very high standards and speech can be affected for a while.


Perikleous 6 & Diomidous,
Marousi, 151 22, Αθήνα

(near Marousi Metro Station)

Τel: +30 210 8067130
Τel/Fax: +30 210 6128059

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